PATRÓN Reposado

PATRÓN Reposado

La Marca Prosecco 750 ml

La Marca Prosecco 750 ml


Patrón Silver Tequila is made from 100% Weber Blue Agave and meticulously crafted in small batches. It’s smooth and sweet, delivering an aroma of roasted agave, citrus fruits, followed by a light peppery finish. Patrón Tequila has always been additive-free because... Read More
Location: Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport : ATL Concourse F Gate F10

**Purchases have to be made at least 45 minutes before Flight Time**

Availability: Out of stock

Patrón Silver Tequila is made from 100% Weber Blue Agave and meticulously crafted in small batches. It’s smooth and sweet, delivering an aroma of roasted agave, citrus fruits, followed by a light peppery finish. Patrón Tequila has always been additive-free because of our unwavering commitment to craft, authenticity, and integrity.